Pastor Danna and Robert Jones tag teams in talking about getting into His Presence. Tune in to hear this power duo teach on getting into the presence of the one who created us.
Want For A Man
Adam Brewer speaks on aligning ourselves with God. Tune In to hear this powerful word from God.
Walk With God
Minister Rhonda brings a powerful word on walking with God. During this uncertain hour, you can know the Way in which to go. Tune in to hear this timely word.
Walking In The Spirit
Pastor Barbara walks about the power of Walking in the Spirit. Tune in to hear how you can walk in the power in your life.
Guaranteed Victory
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on how we can walk in Guaranteed Victory. Tune in to hear how you can walk in victory in your life.
Walk With Me
Pastor Robert and Minister Rhonda bring a timely word on walking with God. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
Get Covered
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful and timely word during this trying time. Tune in to hear the word of the Lord.
Sit At His Feet
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on how the one thing that is most important in our walk with Him is to Sit at His Feet. Tune in to hear the Word from the Lord!
Spirit Of Adoption
Pastor Barbara brings an insightful word on how the Spirit of adoption and how we don’t have to operate in an orphan spirit anymore. Tune in to hear this word that I’m sure will impact your life.
Christian Living
Pastor Barbara and Pastor Robert tag team a powerful word on how to live and walk as a Christian. Tune in to hear what God has to say to you today.
Answering the Call
Heart of Surrender
Reverend Kris Bolin brought a powerful word on having a heart of surrender. Tune in to hear this word from God.
Freedom is Here
Apostle Jarrett comes in to bring freedom to those held in bondage and freedom to enter into the next phase. Tune in to experience freedom in your life as well.
There’s A Rising Up
Apostle Jarrett Brings a prophetic word on rising up in this hour. Tune in to have your spirit stirred up.
Word for the Church
Pastor Robert brings a prophetic word for the church.
God is Eternal
Pastor Tim Hogan brings a powerful word that our job is to do what God has given us to do, but it’s God that does what we can not.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
Redig The Wells
Apostle Angie brings a word that is destined to bring life back to your spirit. Tune in to find out what God is wanting to speak to you today.
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
Apostle Bill brings a timely word on the importance of disciplining. Tune in to hear the word from the Lord.
What’s Your Purpose?
Pastor Robert brought a powerful word on knowing your purpose. Tune in to hear a word from the Lord.
Army of God
Word for the Church
Pastor Robert brings a prophetic word for the church.
Christian Living
Pastor Barbara and Pastor Robert tag team a powerful word on how to live and walk as a Christian. Tune in to hear what God has to say to you today.
Time To Step Into Your Calling
Apostle Bill brought a prophetic word on it being time to step into your calling. Several people stepped into their calling today. Tune in to hear the prophetic word that was brought forth today.
Get off the Cruise Ship
Apostle Bill brought a word for the times.It is time to get off the cruise ship and embark on the battle ship. We are called to war in the heavenly realm, to set the atmosphere, to have dominion over the earth and over all sickness…
We are an Army!
There is a difference in an army and a church – God has called us to an army! Pastor Casey reveals what that means for Freedom Ministries and our place in God’s plan!
Prayer Force International – Put on the Whole Armor 2
Pastor Angie Hogan continues breaking forth the revelation on how we put on the WHOLE armor of God.
Living like Jesus
Barbara delivers a powerful word on how to live in Victory like Jesus in every area of our lives.
Actionable Intelligence
Are you ready to join the DIA? Divine Intelligence Agency! Evangelist Paul Bradford brought a timely word for 2016 on how to hear from God and act on it!
A Good Steward
Pastor Angie Hogan brings a word of encouragement from God on being a good steward with what God has given us. What’s a Steward? Somebody that is an agent for another man.
Authority in the Army – Casey Petersen
Are you struggling with depression? Listen to this great message on how to overcome everytime.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
Converted, Called, Commissioned, and Covered
Apostle Bill brings life to the meaning of being saved. We are called to do more than just receive salvation. We are called to do the work of the Kingdom to go out and preach the gospel to all men.
When the enemy attacks and tempts us to the point where we don’t feel like we can move forward – how can we continue our walk with God? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals how we have victory through resistance and standing firm.
Taking authority through obedience
Pastor Casey continues teaching on Authority and how the love of God is what leads us to obey God and take authority in our lives.
Authority = Walking in Revelation
Pastor Cindy shares with us how authority is walking in revelation.
Recognizing your Authority
Elder Barbara shares with us how to take authority in your life.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
Converted, Called, Commissioned, and Covered
Apostle Bill brings life to the meaning of being saved. We are called to do more than just receive salvation. We are called to do the work of the Kingdom to go out and preach the gospel to all men.
When the enemy attacks and tempts us to the point where we don’t feel like we can move forward – how can we continue our walk with God? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals how we have victory through resistance and standing firm.
Taking authority through obedience
Pastor Casey continues teaching on Authority and how the love of God is what leads us to obey God and take authority in our lives.
Authority = Walking in Revelation
Pastor Cindy shares with us how authority is walking in revelation.
Recognizing your Authority
Elder Barbara shares with us how to take authority in your life.
Lord Will Lead You Out
Apostle Angie and Minister Rhonda share on finances. Tune in to hear how you can walk in what God has for you.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
God Raises A Standard
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on what the word standard means when He says He raises up a standard and what our part is in getting our needs met. Tune in to know how to come up out of your circumstances.
Planting Seeds for a Future Harvest
Pastor Tim brings a timely word on planting seeds for a future harvest. Tune in to hear what he has to say regarding planting seeds.
Provision in the Presence of your enemies
Pastor Robert Jones brought an eye opening word on how God has placed our provision in the presence of our enemies. Tune in now to hear this word!
The Power of the Spoken Word
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on how the words that we speak today determine the future that we step into. Tune in to hear how this word can revolutionize your future.
Body of Christ
Hidden Mysteries
Pastor Barbara brings an insightful word on the Hidden Mysteries of God. Tune in to hear this word today.
Doing The Kingdom
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on Doing the Kingdom. Tune in to hear the word for this season.
Why Do Nations Rage?
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word on the spirit that is out to bring division and separation in the world today. Tune in to know how to defeat this enemy in your life.
Your Voice Has An Assignment
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful prophetic word for this season. Tune in to hear this word.
Guaranteed Victory
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on how we can walk in Guaranteed Victory. Tune in to hear how you can walk in victory in your life.
Word for the Church
Pastor Robert brings a prophetic word for the church.
Pastor Barbara brought a powerful word on Restructuring and how God is preparing us for the end times.
Redig The Wells
Apostle Angie brings a word that is destined to bring life back to your spirit. Tune in to find out what God is wanting to speak to you today.
Our Greatest Asset
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word for this season in our lives and what truly is our greatest asset in the Kingdom Of God. Don’t miss out on learning how to walk in these Last Days.
Christian Living
Pastor Barbara and Pastor Robert tag team a powerful word on how to live and walk as a Christian. Tune in to hear what God has to say to you today.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
Our Greatest Asset
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word for this season in our lives and what truly is our greatest asset in the Kingdom Of God. Don’t miss out on learning how to walk in these Last Days.
Seek His Face
Pastor Barbara shares with us the importance of seeking God’s face in the face of adversity.
Judgments and Strongholds
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on what judgments and strongholds are and how they influence the rest of our lives. Tune in to hear how you can be free today?
Spirit of Betrayal
Apostle Angie brings a powerful word on the spirit of betrayal and how we continue to reap betrayal in our lives. Good news is that you don;t have to reap that your whole life. Tune in to find out how to break the power of…
Reconnecting With The Father
Minister Theresa brings a mighty powerful word on how the spirit of an orphan came in when Adam sinned and how God wants to set us free.
Seek God for your calling
Pastor Angie calls us to seek God for what God has called us to do.
The Secret Place
Pastor Casey brings an encouraging word on how to overcome areas in our lives.
Power is in the Relationship
Elder Barbara breaks down that the power to bring breakthrough in every area of our lives comes from Relationship.
Praying and Giving
Pastor Angie brings a powerful word on how the power we have comes from relationship with the Father and we receive that by praying and giving.
Bride of Christ
The Passion of the Bride
Apostle Angie and Special Guest Minister Theresa share a timely word on the passion of the bride for her groom!
Pray and Go
Elder Barbara brings an empowering word on going to God in prayer and then getting up and then doing what God leads us to do.
Christian Living vs Normal Living
Barbara brings insight into Christian living and how it should differ from normal living.
The Preeminence
Pastor Angie enlightens us on the Preeminence and what that means for us.
The Bride 2
Elder Barbara continues teaching on the Bride of Christ and how we are to stay under the shadow of His wings. Our responsibility is to be obedient and willing to heed the voice of the Lord.
Who is the Bride of Christ?
Barbara enlightens us to the distinction between the Bride and the wedding guests. Let us lay aside our concerns, and return to our first love.
Foreshadowing of Christ and the Church
Dr. Mills taught on 2 principles relating to Adam and Eve that foreshadow the coming of Christ and the Church.
Word of Upliftment to the Church
Evangelist Manuel shared an uplifting word on how God is looking for someone to whom will be His Bride.
The Envisioned purpose of God concerning Christ and the Church
Dr. Mills shares the vision that God had before the foundation of the world.
The Call to an Encounter with God
Dr. Mills illustrates the picture of Jesus and His Bride through Isaac and Rebecca.
Catch the Fire Conference
Catching the Vision Of God
Dr. Klutsey encourages us to catch the vision for our life.
Foreshadowing of Christ and the Church
Dr. Mills taught on 2 principles relating to Adam and Eve that foreshadow the coming of Christ and the Church.
Beyond the Next Dimension
Minister Theresa enlightens us with the importance of seeking God regarding people, jobs, and marriages in our life.
Word of Upliftment to the Church
Evangelist Manuel shared an uplifting word on how God is looking for someone to whom will be His Bride.
Movement of God
Dr. Mills shares a mighty word on how God is drawing our attention to Jesus Christ through our decisions all leading to the preeminence of Christ.
Experiencing God through Prayer
Dr. Klutsey brings a word on having power takes relationship with God through Prayer.
Prophetic Word of God
Dr. Justice Klutsey brings a prophetic word for Freedom Ministries.
The Envisioned purpose of God concerning Christ and the Church
Dr. Mills shares the vision that God had before the foundation of the world.
Jesus – the Firstborn of Many Brethren
The birth of Jesus wasn’t just about redemption from sin so we can be saved. It wasn’t about forgiveness – it was about creating new sons of God. How can we enter into this sonship with God? Hear the life-changing message of Christmas.
church tithing
The Power of the Tithe
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful and timely word on how we give and give but our money flows through our hands like a pocket full of holes. Listen in to hear what God has to say on how to mend the holes in your pockets…
Be a Participator
Elder Robert teaches us that we need to take personal ownership of our relationship with God.
Partnering with God
Rhonda brings a powerful word on how our tithing is a sign that we recognize that God is our partner in life.
What is your perception of God?
Elder Robert shares a powerful word on how our perception of God influences our lives.
Pursue love
Sister Rhonda shares a revelation on how the pursuit of love relates to church tithing.
God’s covenant relationship
Elder Barbara shares the revelation of how God has called us into a covenant relationship.
Guaranteed Victory
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on how we can walk in Guaranteed Victory. Tune in to hear how you can walk in victory in your life.
Covenant Living 2
Pastor Barbara and Apostle Angie tag team it in bringing the continued revelation of the covenant and what we are promised when we walk in that covenant. Tune in now for a life changing word!
Covenant Living
Pastor Barbara brought a mighty powerful word on how God made a covenant with us and what that looks like for us and our descendants. Tune in to find out how to walk in the Covenant with God today.
Exposing the Python Spirit
Evangelist Monica and Apostle Angie minister about the python spirit and how it operates and how you can step out of it today. Tune in to hear this word.
Spirit of Contention
Apostle Angie brings a timely word on how the spirit of contention is affecting the body of Christ. Tune in to hear how this spirit operates.
Why Do Nations Rage?
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word on the spirit that is out to bring division and separation in the world today. Tune in to know how to defeat this enemy in your life.
Your Voice Has An Assignment
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful prophetic word for this season. Tune in to hear this word.
Surviving in Shark Infested Waters
Pastor Tim Hogan brings a Now word on surviving during these times. Tune in to hear how you can survive and thrive.
Lord Will Lead You Out
Apostle Angie and Minister Rhonda share on finances. Tune in to hear how you can walk in what God has for you.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
Our Greatest Asset
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word for this season in our lives and what truly is our greatest asset in the Kingdom Of God. Don’t miss out on learning how to walk in these Last Days.
Judgments and Strongholds
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on what judgments and strongholds are and how they influence the rest of our lives. Tune in to hear how you can be free today?
Spirit of Betrayal
Apostle Angie brings a powerful word on the spirit of betrayal and how we continue to reap betrayal in our lives. Good news is that you don;t have to reap that your whole life. Tune in to find out how to break the power of…
Difficult Times
Heart of Surrender
Reverend Kris Bolin brought a powerful word on having a heart of surrender. Tune in to hear this word from God.
Trusting God in the Process
Pastor Robert brings a powerful word on trusting God in the middle of the journey. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Why Do The Righteous Suffer?
Apostle Angie brings a timely word on why the righteous suffer. Tune in to hear this powerful word for this time.
Walk With God
Minister Rhonda brings a powerful word on walking with God. During this uncertain hour, you can know the Way in which to go. Tune in to hear this timely word.
Why Do Nations Rage?
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word on the spirit that is out to bring division and separation in the world today. Tune in to know how to defeat this enemy in your life.
Surviving in Shark Infested Waters
Pastor Tim Hogan brings a Now word on surviving during these times. Tune in to hear how you can survive and thrive.
Get Covered
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful and timely word during this trying time. Tune in to hear the word of the Lord.
Strategy For Your Life
Pastor Barbara shares how God has a strategy for your life and what that looks like. Tune in to hear the word of the Lord for this hour.
Our Greatest Asset
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word for this season in our lives and what truly is our greatest asset in the Kingdom Of God. Don’t miss out on learning how to walk in these Last Days.
Seek His Face
Pastor Barbara shares with us the importance of seeking God’s face in the face of adversity.
Dying to Self
Heart of Surrender
Reverend Kris Bolin brought a powerful word on having a heart of surrender. Tune in to hear this word from God.
Put The Mask On
Apostle Angie brings an enlightening word on the power of spiritually putting the mask on in our lives. Tune in to hear this revolutionary word for this season.
Exposing the Python Spirit
Evangelist Monica and Apostle Angie minister about the python spirit and how it operates and how you can step out of it today. Tune in to hear this word.
Our Greatest Asset
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word for this season in our lives and what truly is our greatest asset in the Kingdom Of God. Don’t miss out on learning how to walk in these Last Days.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Pastor Barbara shares on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Hear what God has to say to you about these gifts.
Seek His Face
Pastor Barbara shares with us the importance of seeking God’s face in the face of adversity.
Laying Down Your Life
Pastor Casey shares with us the importance of when we don’t lay down our life, we are kicking against the pricks.
Pursuit of Experience
Pastor Casey brings an enlightening word on how the pursuit of experience is what will bring forth change in our lives.
Pastor Casey shares with us on committing to the Lord and the benefits we gain from it.
Power is in the Relationship
Elder Barbara breaks down that the power to bring breakthrough in every area of our lives comes from Relationship.
Pimp My Ride
Pastor Tim Hogan brings an enlightening word on how God uses our “vehicles” to minister to his people. Tune in to hear this timely word.
Apostle Bill brings a timely word on the importance of disciplining. Tune in to hear the word from the Lord.
Go and Disciple
Apostle Bill brings a powerful word on how if we love God, we will follow his commandments. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Saturate Us Lord
Apostle Bill shares with us the importance of being saturated with the Presence of the Lord and how we are to carry it everywhere we go.
Even Though
Evangelist Timmy brings an encouraging word to the body on how God loves us even though we are prideful, haven’t prayed, read our bible, or have fallen many times. Return to God today with his even though love for us.
What can I do?
Evangelist Timmy brings an enlightening word on what we can do for Jesus.
Church of God is in You
Apostle Manuel and Pastor Karen deliver a powerful word that we are the Church of God. The church is not a place, it’s where Jesus is. Jesus is in you. Dive into the message and get a revelation on the purpose that God has for…
Be Bold Obey God
Brother Bolin brings a powerful word on how faith is a two part process. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Spirit of Faith
Evangelist Delton brings a powerful word on the Spirit of Faith. Tune in to hear this word.
Trusting God in the Process
Pastor Robert brings a powerful word on trusting God in the middle of the journey. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Trusting Through Your Fear
Pastor Kristopher Bolin brings a powerful word on Faith and what Faith looks like. Tune in to hear this word from the Lord.
Faith Cometh
Apostle Angie brings an encouraging word on Faith. Tune in to hear the word for this season.
Spirit of Elijah
Apostle Angie brings a word on the Spirit of Elijah. Tune in to hear this mighty word for this hour.
Where is Your Investment?
MInisters Andy and Rhonda Minga bring a timely word on being investment minded. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Pastor Robert brings a powerful word on how important vision is to the body. Tune in to hear this word.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
God Raises A Standard
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on what the word standard means when He says He raises up a standard and what our part is in getting our needs met. Tune in to know how to come up out of your circumstances.
Fear of God
Fear of the Lord – Obedience
The Fear of the Lord is obedience. Elder Barbara continues our series on the Fear of the Lord and reveals the secret of obeying God.
Fear of the Lord – Submission
Elder Barbara Cooper continues the teaching from “The Fear of the Lord.” There was an awesome presence of God during this teach that is sure to change your life!
Fear of the Lord 4: An Uncommon God
Our God is uncommon! Elder Robert shares with us how treating God as common limits his work in our lives.
Who is this God?
Minister Barbara shared a mighty word on knowing who our God is and how we bring God down to our level.
God’s Word engraved on Our Hearts
Minister Barbara allowed the Holy Spirit to come in and preach Jesus, which is the Word. A mighty revelation came forth of how our heavenly prayer language is God speaking the Word to us, building up our faith.
Who is Our God?
Elder Robert shares with us on the fear of God. You cannot reverence or fear God if you don’t know him.
Where is Your Investment?
MInisters Andy and Rhonda Minga bring a timely word on being investment minded. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
He Is My Rewarder
Minister Andy and Rhonda Minga share what God has been speaking to them during this hour regarding finances or just life in general. Tune in to hear what God is saying.
Lord Will Lead You Out
Apostle Angie and Minister Rhonda share on finances. Tune in to hear how you can walk in what God has for you.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
God Raises A Standard
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on what the word standard means when He says He raises up a standard and what our part is in getting our needs met. Tune in to know how to come up out of your circumstances.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
School of Ministry Part 3
Apostle Angie and Pastor Robert bring a word from God on stewardship. Tune in to hear what God wants to say to you today
School Of Ministry Finances Part 2
Apostle Angie and Pastor Robert tag team it in bringing a timely word from God over your finances. Tune in to hear a word from God today.
The Power of the Tithe
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful and timely word on how we give and give but our money flows through our hands like a pocket full of holes. Listen in to hear what God has to say on how to mend the holes in your pockets…
First Fruits
Lord Will Lead You Out
Apostle Angie and Minister Rhonda share on finances. Tune in to hear how you can walk in what God has for you.
Provision in the Presence of your enemies
Pastor Robert Jones brought an eye opening word on how God has placed our provision in the presence of our enemies. Tune in now to hear this word!
The Glory Level
The blessings of God are good – but there is a place beyond that. Are you ready to see the power of God manifested in your life? Listen to this life-changing message on how to experience God’s Glory.
The 12 Blessings of the First Fruits
What is blocking your blessing? Why are you not seeing the promised blessings of God in your finances, even when you obey God in giving and tithing? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the secret to unlocking the 12 Blessings of the First Fruit.
First Fruits
Pastor Angie enlightens us on the importance of First Fruits.
Gifts of the Spirit
Christian Living
Pastor Barbara and Pastor Robert tag team a powerful word on how to live and walk as a Christian. Tune in to hear what God has to say to you today.
The Inheritance of Purpose
Do you know your purpose? Understanding our gift and why God put us on earth is a vital part of our walk with God! Apostle Angie Hogan shares how vital each gift is to the body and the inheritance we earn by operating in our…
Displaying The Glory
Sister Witt brings a powerful word for this season on the necessity of displaying His Glory. Tune in to hear this word.
Pastor Robert brings a positioning word for the body of Christ during this season we are living in. Tune in to hear what the Glory of the Lord will do for you.
Saturate Us Lord
Apostle Bill shares with us the importance of being saturated with the Presence of the Lord and how we are to carry it everywhere we go.
Requirements for Increase
Pastor Barbara brought a timely word on what we must do for God to bring increase into our lives. Increase in wisdom, knowledge, power, the glory, the finances, the healing, no matter the desire, there is only one way to receive it. So tune in…
Carriers of the Glory
Do you feel unworthy to experience God’s glory? Learn the secret of how the Levites prepared to carry God’s glory and prepare yourself for your next level in God!
Lean Into Awkward
When fear hits you during the times when you want to obey God – there’s only one option – LEAN IN!
The Glory Level
The blessings of God are good – but there is a place beyond that. Are you ready to see the power of God manifested in your life? Listen to this life-changing message on how to experience God’s Glory.
Good or God
Good or God – Lesson 2
Rhonda Minda continues the study of Good or God – by John Bevere. When is your decision good, and when is it truly from God? Learn to know the will of God every time!
Guest Speaker
Praise Until Worship Comes
Minister Witt brought an amazing word on how we are to enter into the courts of our God. Praising God will take us into that place of worship. Tune in to hear this timely message and how it will bring change into your life.
The Envisioned purpose of God concerning Christ and the Church
Dr. Mills shares the vision that God had before the foundation of the world.
The Call to an Encounter with God
Dr. Mills illustrates the picture of Jesus and His Bride through Isaac and Rebecca.
Preparation of the Bride
Minister Theresa Laryea brings a mighty word on preparing to be the Bride of Christ. Are you ready for the Lord to come back for His Bride?
God is a Negotiator
God is looking for someone to negotiate with him! How did Abraham, Isaac, Paul, and even Cain get their requests answered from God? Learn the power of negotiating with God in this great teaching!
M2K – Men to Kings
Dr Isaac Paintsil brought a powerful word for Men at our Men’s Service. Behold “Da” MAN! What is the purpose of men in the modern world? Learn your place in the kingdom of God, the church, and your home!
Are You Acquainted With Jesus?
Dr Klutsey, our special guest minister from Ghana, brought a transforming word – you must be acquainted with the real Jesus! This breakthrough word led to a life-changing time of God moving in the altars. You don’t want to miss this word!
Truth About Healing
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on the truth of healing and how we can receive it today.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
Healing In The House
Pastor Barbara brings a mighty word on Healing. Tune in to hear God’s word along with several testimonies of God’s healing power.
Requirements for Increase
Pastor Barbara brought a timely word on what we must do for God to bring increase into our lives. Increase in wisdom, knowledge, power, the glory, the finances, the healing, no matter the desire, there is only one way to receive it. So tune in…
Wind of Change is blowing
Pastor Robert brings a prophetic word on how the winds of change are blowing in our lives. It’s time to step into the future. Plant those seeds of change.
Covenant Living 2
Pastor Barbara and Apostle Angie tag team it in bringing the continued revelation of the covenant and what we are promised when we walk in that covenant. Tune in now for a life changing word!
Covenant Living
Pastor Barbara brought a mighty powerful word on how God made a covenant with us and what that looks like for us and our descendants. Tune in to find out how to walk in the Covenant with God today.
Cycle of Provision
Pastor Barbara brings a mighty word on how we are to sow the word and our money into our situations. God is listening and hearkening to every word we say, so let’s begin to say those things that God says about our situations.
Jehovah Jireh vs Jehovah Needy
Elder Ernie and Pastor Robert tag team to bring a mighty word about respecting God and seeing him for who he really is. Lord teach us to see you and change our confession so that we can see you for you are!
Out of the Wine Press into the Wine Room
Apostle Angie Hogan brought an amazing word on abiding in the vine will produce wine for those around us. Tune in to hear the word now!
The Master Key
Pastor Barbara shares with us the Master key to unlocking the blessings of God. Submission and Honor work together to open doors that we can not open. Tune in to hear and understand how these play a part in your life.
Judgments and Strongholds
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on what judgments and strongholds are and how they influence the rest of our lives. Tune in to hear how you can be free today?
Humility Before Honor
Apostle Angie Hogan brings a revelation on arrogance and the power of humility on the most recent Prayer Force International! Proverbs 18:12 – “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility..”
Humility Before Honor
Apostle Angie Hogan brings a revelation on arrogance and the power of humility on the most recent Prayer Force International! Proverbs 18:12 – “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility..”
Apostle Angie brings a NOW word to the body of Christ to see the spirit of Insecurity for what it is and go forth. Tune in now to hear this word!
Discovering Your Identity
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on discovering your Identity. Tune in to find out how.
Identity – Who Am I
Pastor Barbara teaches on Identity and knowing who we are In Christ and who He is. Tune in to hear this word.
What Defines You?
Minister Rhonda brings a powerful word on Identity and what you are allowing to identify you. Tune in to hear the word for you today.
Apostle Angie brings a NOW word to the body of Christ to see the spirit of Insecurity for what it is and go forth. Tune in now to hear this word!
Inheritance From God
Pastor Robert brings to light what is ours when we walk in Him and Trust in Him. Tune in to see what’s yours and how to take it.
Where is Your Investment?
MInisters Andy and Rhonda Minga bring a timely word on being investment minded. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Your Voice Has An Assignment
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful prophetic word for this season. Tune in to hear this word.
Your Birthright
Pastor Barbara encourages the body today with a word on your birthright. Tune in to discover your birthright,
God Raises A Standard
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on what the word standard means when He says He raises up a standard and what our part is in getting our needs met. Tune in to know how to come up out of your circumstances.
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
The Power of the Tithe
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful and timely word on how we give and give but our money flows through our hands like a pocket full of holes. Listen in to hear what God has to say on how to mend the holes in your pockets…
The Inheritance of Purpose
Do you know your purpose? Understanding our gift and why God put us on earth is a vital part of our walk with God! Apostle Angie Hogan shares how vital each gift is to the body and the inheritance we earn by operating in our…
How to get into His Presence
Pastor Danna and Robert Jones tag teams in talking about getting into His Presence. Tune in to hear this power duo teach on getting into the presence of the one who created us.
Transforming the Church
Pastor Cindy brings an amazing word on how God wants to transform the church and it begins in us.
Living like Jesus
Barbara delivers a powerful word on how to live in Victory like Jesus in every area of our lives.
Growth Takes Time
Brother Floyd brings a powerful word on the amount of growth we experience is relevant to the rate we allow God to move multiplied by time.
Holy Spirit – Spiritual Living
Brother Floyd brings a powerful word on the Holy Spirit and living a Spiritual life.
Growing up
Brother Floyd brings an enlightening word on being reborn and becoming mature Christians as were called to be.
Spiritual Life with Relationship
You can’t have a spiritual life without relationship? Brother Floyd brings an enlightening word on relationship.
Building Relationship through Trials
Paul Brown gets REAL on building a relationship with Jesus through the trials and tribulations. Are you ready to have a relationship with the Real Jesus?
Building a strong Foundation in Jesus
What is your foundation? Is it set on Jesus? Josh brings an enlightening word on building a strong foundation on Jesus.
Insightful word on Submission
Struggling with relationships? Hear what God has to say for us today.
Blessings from God
Elder Robert shares with us that God has brought blessings for us.
Power of association
Apostle Angie brings out the power of who you are associated with.
Kingdom of God
Kingdom Priesthood
Pastor Barbara brings a mighty word on how we are called to be priests of the Kingdom of Heaven. Tune in to hear this word.
Kingdom Mentality
Brother Floyd brings us a word on Kingdom Mentality and what that looks like in our life. Tune in to hear this word.
Your Voice Has An Assignment
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful prophetic word for this season. Tune in to hear this word.
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
Pregnant with Revival
Pastor Barbara brings a new and fresh look to the Christmas Story. Let’s dive in to see how God called a young woman to birth the Son of God on Earth more than 2000 years ago and how he wants to do the same today…
Seize the Word of God
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on laying hold of the Word of God and stretching our hearts to understand the written and living word of God. Tune in to see how this word will change your life.
The Kingdom of God
“Seek first the Kingdom” – This was the direction of Jesus when asked about how to deal with other needs in life. Bro Floyd Griffis breaks open a powerful revelation on the Kingdom of God in this teaching. Want more? Join a Freedom Ministries Home…
Locating your Enemy
Spirit of Contention
Apostle Angie brings a timely word on how the spirit of contention is affecting the body of Christ. Tune in to hear how this spirit operates.
Why Do Nations Rage?
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word on the spirit that is out to bring division and separation in the world today. Tune in to know how to defeat this enemy in your life.
Spirit of Betrayal
Apostle Angie brings a powerful word on the spirit of betrayal and how we continue to reap betrayal in our lives. Good news is that you don;t have to reap that your whole life. Tune in to find out how to break the power of…
Plant Another Seed
Apostle Angie Hogan shares how to change the circumstances in your life! Plant another seed! Many times, we allow demonic spirits into our lives without realizing it, which make it difficult for us to have true freedom in some areas. Apostle Angie exposes the hidden…
Freedom from the Queen of Sheba
Do you struggle with people who seem to constantly try to pull God out of your life? Do you have relationships where it feels like people want you to serve them, even over God? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the spirit behind these relationships and how…
Pastor Casey brings an insightful word on how the “I don’t want to’s” affect our life and how it masks itself as being tired.
A Prejudice Spirit
Pastor Angie Hogan exposes the spirit that stops us from receiving from God, and submitting in the place he has called us.
Love Wins Every Time
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a timely word on how we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and how loving them will draw them back to Jesus. Tune in to hear this powerful word and what to do if you are not…
Back To Basics
Josh brings an insightful word on getting back to basics. Tune in to hear the Word of the Lord for this Season.
Requirements for Increase
Pastor Barbara brought a timely word on what we must do for God to bring increase into our lives. Increase in wisdom, knowledge, power, the glory, the finances, the healing, no matter the desire, there is only one way to receive it. So tune in…
Prayer Force International – Walk in Love
Apostle Angie Hogan brings a powerful word on love for the weekly Prayer Force International call.
Love Does Not Assume
What are our motivations for what we do for God? If we feel torn between what we really want and what God wants, we may be doing the work without love. Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the “more excellent way” to see God work in our…
Love is the Answer
You’ve never heard a breakthrough message on love like this one. If you have a love problem – this is the message that is going to change your life!
men's group
Letting the Holy Spirit respond through us
Elder Robert brings a powerful teaching on letting the Holy Spirit respond through us and that we are being watched during these moments. Lord, help us to be quick to hear your voice during these times.
Where is Your Investment?
MInisters Andy and Rhonda Minga bring a timely word on being investment minded. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
The Master Key
Pastor Barbara shares with us the Master key to unlocking the blessings of God. Submission and Honor work together to open doors that we can not open. Tune in to hear and understand how these play a part in your life.
Covenant Living 2
Pastor Barbara and Apostle Angie tag team it in bringing the continued revelation of the covenant and what we are promised when we walk in that covenant. Tune in now for a life changing word!
Lean Into Awkward
When fear hits you during the times when you want to obey God – there’s only one option – LEAN IN!
Oil of Anointing
Purchase Your Oil
Do you give to others, friends, and family until you feel totally spent, like you have nothing left? God has a way that keeps you full – Pastor Casey Petersen brings a word that exposes God’s plan to always have oil for yourself, and some…
Overcoming Past
Rain is Coming – Be an Ark!
Pastor Tim Hogan brings a fresh and unique perspective to the story of Noah – when the rain comes, the world is looking for you to be an ark! Learn God’s plans for you during difficult times in this encouraging word.
Be Free from Shame!
Do you struggle with hidden desires that make you question whether God has really changed and delivered you? Pastor Casey Petersen exposes how the spirit of Shame uses desires to keep you bound – and how you can finally be free!
Plant Another Seed
Apostle Angie Hogan shares how to change the circumstances in your life! Plant another seed! Many times, we allow demonic spirits into our lives without realizing it, which make it difficult for us to have true freedom in some areas. Apostle Angie exposes the hidden…
We sometimes chase reality with a dose of excuses. But the truth is, Satan makes sure our past chases us down all the time. Evangelist Timmy Anderson shares how to finally escape your past!
Our Greatest Asset
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word for this season in our lives and what truly is our greatest asset in the Kingdom Of God. Don’t miss out on learning how to walk in these Last Days.
The 12 Blessings of the First Fruits
What is blocking your blessing? Why are you not seeing the promised blessings of God in your finances, even when you obey God in giving and tithing? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the secret to unlocking the 12 Blessings of the First Fruit.
The Season of Withholding is Over
This week, we celebrated Pentecost Sunday, or Shavuot. God has ordained this season as time for that frustrating period of your life where it feels like the answers to your prayers have been withheld to be over!
Drop The Ball 2021 Prayer and Fasting Q&A
Apostle Angie and Pastor Tim Hogan bring to you some teaching on Prayer and Fasting. Tune in and get a revelation on prayer and fasting for this season in your life.
Humility Before Honor
Apostle Angie Hogan brings a revelation on arrogance and the power of humility on the most recent Prayer Force International! Proverbs 18:12 – “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility..”
Women of Faith Prayer Line – 9th Anniversary
Apostle Angie Hogan joins Women of Faith Prayer Line with Vanessa Jackson for their 9th Anniversary.
Jesus Over Batman
Batman and Jesus have a lot in common – but when you need help, there’s only one person to call.
Put on the Whole Armor
On a recent Prayer Force International call, Pastor Angie Hogan shares a revelation on putting on the WHOLE armor of God. This is a teaching you can’t afford to miss!
Be Aggressive
Be extravagant. Be extraordinary. Be aggressive. Learn to have victory in every circumstance by living out these 3 keys of a Christian walk.
Purchase Your Oil
Do you give to others, friends, and family until you feel totally spent, like you have nothing left? God has a way that keeps you full – Pastor Casey Petersen brings a word that exposes God’s plan to always have oil for yourself, and some…
Lord Teach Us to Pray
Sister Julie brings us a word on how we go to God and get a word over our situations.
The Secret Place
Pastor Casey brings an encouraging word on how to overcome areas in our lives.
Pray and Go
Elder Barbara brings an empowering word on going to God in prayer and then getting up and then doing what God leads us to do.
Prayer Force International
The Inheritance of Purpose
Do you know your purpose? Understanding our gift and why God put us on earth is a vital part of our walk with God! Apostle Angie Hogan shares how vital each gift is to the body and the inheritance we earn by operating in our…
Prayer Force International – Climb the Mountain
Do you struggle with depending on others, and end up feeling controlled? Or do you really need to feel like others depend on you to feel valued? God is ready to set you free from dependence with this powerful prayer teaching from Apostle Angie Hogan!
Prayer Force International – A New Day
Apostle Angie Hogan brings the word for this season in your life – it’s a New Day! The old has passed away! Get this revelation on how to enter into the new in every area of your life.
Prayer Force International – The Body
Apostle Angie and Elder Barbara share on the importance of being a part of the body.
Women of Faith Prayer Line – 9th Anniversary
Apostle Angie Hogan joins Women of Faith Prayer Line with Vanessa Jackson for their 9th Anniversary.
Prayer Force International – Forgiving my Debtors
Prayer Target is Finances and Sister Monica Burchfield brings a challenging word – forgive our debtors for God to forgive our debts!
The Spirit of Envy
Elder Barbara Cooper exposes how envy affects our lives, and how we can be free in this latest teaching on Prayer Force International.
The Spirit of Cain
Apostle Angie Hogan exposes the spirit of envy that operates in churches and how we can be free in this powerful prayer and teaching from Prayer Force International.
Prayer Force International – Walk in Love
Apostle Angie Hogan brings a powerful word on love for the weekly Prayer Force International call.
Prayer Force International – Put on the Whole Armor 2
Pastor Angie Hogan continues breaking forth the revelation on how we put on the WHOLE armor of God.
Relationship Prayers
Pastor Robert brings a powerful word that will transition you into your future and place you in a position to exact change upon the earth. Tune in to hear this powerful word of God.
Recover All
Apostle Angie brings a prophetic word on how we are entering a season of recovering all. Tune in to hear how to recover all in your own life.
Your Voice Has An Assignment
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful prophetic word for this season. Tune in to hear this word.
2020 -The Year of the Mouth
Pastor Barbara brings a word for the new year for each and every person. Dive in to hear what God wants to reveal to you for the coming year.
Prophesy Your Way Out
Minister Vanessa brings a prophetic word from God for any area you are facing in your life. Tune in to hear what He wants to say to you today.
Time of Refreshing
Minister Vanessa brings a powerful word on how God wants to give you a time of Refreshing. Tune in to hear the word of the Lord
Abba, my Reality
Apostle Darla brought forth a prophetic message on how God, our Father, wants to be our reality. Tune in to hear this prophetic word.
The Power of the Spoken Word
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on how the words that we speak today determine the future that we step into. Tune in to hear how this word can revolutionize your future.
Wind of Change is blowing
Pastor Robert brings a prophetic word on how the winds of change are blowing in our lives. It’s time to step into the future. Plant those seeds of change.
The New Year 5779
Minister Barbara brought a timely word on Rosh Hashanah and what that means for each of us personally. Now is the time to search out our hearts because during this time, God is going to determine how our next year will go for us. So…
Walk With God
Minister Rhonda brings a powerful word on walking with God. During this uncertain hour, you can know the Way in which to go. Tune in to hear this timely word.
Occupy Until I Come
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word on how we are called to Occupy and take ownership. Tune in to hear how you can occupy until the day Jesus returns.
Your Voice Has An Assignment
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful prophetic word for this season. Tune in to hear this word.
2020 -The Year of the Mouth
Pastor Barbara brings a word for the new year for each and every person. Dive in to hear what God wants to reveal to you for the coming year.
God of Purpose and Design
Pastor Barbara brings an insightful word on how God is in the details. Tune in to hear the Christmas story and how God worked in all of the detailsl.
Church of Acts
Pastor Barbara brings an impactful word on what the church of Acts looks like and how we are called to portray him.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
Redig The Wells
Apostle Angie brings a word that is destined to bring life back to your spirit. Tune in to find out what God is wanting to speak to you today.
God Raises A Standard
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on what the word standard means when He says He raises up a standard and what our part is in getting our needs met. Tune in to know how to come up out of your circumstances.
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
Queen of Sheba
Freedom from the Queen of Sheba
Do you struggle with people who seem to constantly try to pull God out of your life? Do you have relationships where it feels like people want you to serve them, even over God? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the spirit behind these relationships and how…
Relationship Prayers
Pastor Robert brings a powerful word that will transition you into your future and place you in a position to exact change upon the earth. Tune in to hear this powerful word of God.
In Jesus Name
Pastor Robert talks about the power in the Name of Jesus but not just Jesus but in Jesus Christ. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Walk With God
Minister Rhonda brings a powerful word on walking with God. During this uncertain hour, you can know the Way in which to go. Tune in to hear this timely word.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
Requirements for Increase
Pastor Barbara brought a timely word on what we must do for God to bring increase into our lives. Increase in wisdom, knowledge, power, the glory, the finances, the healing, no matter the desire, there is only one way to receive it. So tune in…
Covenant Living
Pastor Barbara brought a mighty powerful word on how God made a covenant with us and what that looks like for us and our descendants. Tune in to find out how to walk in the Covenant with God today.
Jesus – the Firstborn of Many Brethren
The birth of Jesus wasn’t just about redemption from sin so we can be saved. It wasn’t about forgiveness – it was about creating new sons of God. How can we enter into this sonship with God? Hear the life-changing message of Christmas.
Jesus Over Batman
Batman and Jesus have a lot in common – but when you need help, there’s only one person to call.
Thankfulness equals Faith
Sister Julie shared with us how our Thankfulness brings us into the presence of God and that our thankfulness is our faith in operation.
Restoring Relationship with God
Pastor Casey enlightens us on how the birth of Jesus was to restore the relationship with mankind.
The Master Key
Pastor Barbara shares with us the Master key to unlocking the blessings of God. Submission and Honor work together to open doors that we can not open. Tune in to hear and understand how these play a part in your life.
Jehovah Jireh vs Jehovah Needy
Elder Ernie and Pastor Robert tag team to bring a mighty word about respecting God and seeing him for who he really is. Lord teach us to see you and change our confession so that we can see you for you are!
Elder Sandra brings a powerful word on what Revival truly means for us today and how we can step into it. Tune in now.
Revival Is In The Air
Pastor Robert ministers on the ways that Revival is in the Air. Tune in to hear this powerful word.
Speak to the Dry Bones
Pastor Robert speaks on the importance of speaking the Word God has called you to speak. Tune in to hear how this will change your life.
Be The Remnant
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word for the time we are living in. Tune in to hear this powerful word from the Lord.
Time To Get Up
Pastor Barbara is calling Christians to Arise, Get Up. Tune in to hear what God is saying during this hour.
Sound the Alarm
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word where God is sounding the alarm calling His children to wake up. Tune in to hear what God is wanting to speak to you.
Are You A Part Of The Remnant?
Pastor Barbara brought an end time word on being a part of the remnant. Are you a part of this end time move? Tune in to hear what God has to say.
Baptize with Holy Ghost and Fire
Apostle Bill brought a timely word for this season on how we must be baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Have you been baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire? Get ready because Fire is on this word.
Abba, my Reality
Apostle Darla brought forth a prophetic message on how God, our Father, wants to be our reality. Tune in to hear this prophetic word.
Pregnant with Revival
Pastor Barbara brings a new and fresh look to the Christmas Story. Let’s dive in to see how God called a young woman to birth the Son of God on Earth more than 2000 years ago and how he wants to do the same today…
School of Ministry
School of Ministry Part 3
Apostle Angie and Pastor Robert bring a word from God on stewardship. Tune in to hear what God wants to say to you today
School Of Ministry Finances Part 2
Apostle Angie and Pastor Robert tag team it in bringing a timely word from God over your finances. Tune in to hear a word from God today.
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
Sit At His Feet
Pastor Barbara brings a timely word on how the one thing that is most important in our walk with Him is to Sit at His Feet. Tune in to hear the Word from the Lord!
Jesus – the Firstborn of Many Brethren
The birth of Jesus wasn’t just about redemption from sin so we can be saved. It wasn’t about forgiveness – it was about creating new sons of God. How can we enter into this sonship with God? Hear the life-changing message of Christmas.
GMO Christians vs. Non GMO Christians
Pastor Robert brings a timely word on what a Christian is supposed to look like. Tune in to hear if you are GMO or Non GMO.
What Kind of Steward Are You?
Pastor Barbara brings an interesting take on the story of the Prodigal son. Tune in and discover what kind of son are you. Message below what kind of son are you?
School of Ministry Part 3
Apostle Angie and Pastor Robert bring a word from God on stewardship. Tune in to hear what God wants to say to you today
Pastor Barbara shared with us on how everything belongs to the Lord and we are the stewards over all he gives us. Tune in to hear a word from God on stewarding what God has given us.
Put The Mask On
Apostle Angie brings an enlightening word on the power of spiritually putting the mask on in our lives. Tune in to hear this revolutionary word for this season.
Back To Basics
Josh brings an insightful word on getting back to basics. Tune in to hear the Word of the Lord for this Season.
Pastor Barbara shared with us on how everything belongs to the Lord and we are the stewards over all he gives us. Tune in to hear a word from God on stewarding what God has given us.
Carry the Fire
Apostle Bill brings a timely word on how we are to carry the fire within us to others. Heaven on earth is what we are called to manifest on the earth!
The Master Key
Pastor Barbara shares with us the Master key to unlocking the blessings of God. Submission and Honor work together to open doors that we can not open. Tune in to hear and understand how these play a part in your life.
Have you ever felt like you’re just not good enough? Like prayer and faith work for others and not for you? Pastor Casey Petersen shares a word that will set you free to see God move in your life.
Sunday School
How to get into His Presence
Pastor Danna and Robert Jones tag teams in talking about getting into His Presence. Tune in to hear this power duo teach on getting into the presence of the one who created us.
How To Get Your Prayers Answered
Apostle Angie and Pastor Barbara bring a powerful word on getting your prayers answered and the danger in assuming that any word will work. Tune in for a word that will change your life. Leave a comment below
Converted, Called, Commissioned, and Covered
Apostle Bill brings life to the meaning of being saved. We are called to do more than just receive salvation. We are called to do the work of the Kingdom to go out and preach the gospel to all men.
Lift Your Vision Higher
You’re still praying and doing the same stuff, but you don’t see the results you used to? Julie Hamilton brings a powerful word on how to lift your vision higher and see increase in every area of your life!
When the enemy attacks and tempts us to the point where we don’t feel like we can move forward – how can we continue our walk with God? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals how we have victory through resistance and standing firm.
Fear of the Lord – Obedience
The Fear of the Lord is obedience. Elder Barbara continues our series on the Fear of the Lord and reveals the secret of obeying God.
Fear of the Lord – Submission
Elder Barbara Cooper continues the teaching from “The Fear of the Lord.” There was an awesome presence of God during this teach that is sure to change your life!
Fear of the Lord 4: An Uncommon God
Our God is uncommon! Elder Robert shares with us how treating God as common limits his work in our lives.
Who is this God?
Minister Barbara shared a mighty word on knowing who our God is and how we bring God down to our level.
God’s Word engraved on Our Hearts
Minister Barbara allowed the Holy Spirit to come in and preach Jesus, which is the Word. A mighty revelation came forth of how our heavenly prayer language is God speaking the Word to us, building up our faith.
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Sunday Services
Requirements for Increase
Pastor Barbara brought a timely word on what we must do for God to bring increase into our lives. Increase in wisdom, knowledge, power, the glory, the finances, the healing, no matter the desire, there is only one way to receive it. So tune in…
Wind of Change is blowing
Pastor Robert brings a prophetic word on how the winds of change are blowing in our lives. It’s time to step into the future. Plant those seeds of change.
Covenant Living 2
Pastor Barbara and Apostle Angie tag team it in bringing the continued revelation of the covenant and what we are promised when we walk in that covenant. Tune in now for a life changing word!
Covenant Living
Pastor Barbara brought a mighty powerful word on how God made a covenant with us and what that looks like for us and our descendants. Tune in to find out how to walk in the Covenant with God today.
Cycle of Provision
Pastor Barbara brings a mighty word on how we are to sow the word and our money into our situations. God is listening and hearkening to every word we say, so let’s begin to say those things that God says about our situations.
Jehovah Jireh vs Jehovah Needy
Elder Ernie and Pastor Robert tag team to bring a mighty word about respecting God and seeing him for who he really is. Lord teach us to see you and change our confession so that we can see you for you are!
Out of the Wine Press into the Wine Room
Apostle Angie Hogan brought an amazing word on abiding in the vine will produce wine for those around us. Tune in to hear the word now!
Praise Until Worship Comes
Minister Witt brought an amazing word on how we are to enter into the courts of our God. Praising God will take us into that place of worship. Tune in to hear this timely message and how it will bring change into your life.
The New Year 5779
Minister Barbara brought a timely word on Rosh Hashanah and what that means for each of us personally. Now is the time to search out our hearts because during this time, God is going to determine how our next year will go for us. So…
Walking by the Spirit
Elder Barbara brings another powerful word on walking by the Spirit. It takes faith to please God, and that faith is hearing the Spirit and obeying what the Spirit says.
Recover All
Apostle Angie brings a prophetic word on how we are entering a season of recovering all. Tune in to hear how to recover all in your own life.
The Mind of Christ
Apostle Angie brings a foundational word on having the mind of Christ. Tune in to hear this powerful word today.
The Power of the Spoken Word
Pastor Barbara brings a powerful word on how the words that we speak today determine the future that we step into. Tune in to hear how this word can revolutionize your future.
Spirit of Betrayal
Apostle Angie brings a powerful word on the spirit of betrayal and how we continue to reap betrayal in our lives. Good news is that you don;t have to reap that your whole life. Tune in to find out how to break the power of…
Rain is Coming – Be an Ark!
Pastor Tim Hogan brings a fresh and unique perspective to the story of Noah – when the rain comes, the world is looking for you to be an ark! Learn God’s plans for you during difficult times in this encouraging word.
Even Though
Evangelist Timmy brings an encouraging word to the body on how God loves us even though we are prideful, haven’t prayed, read our bible, or have fallen many times. Return to God today with his even though love for us.
Who is this God?
Minister Barbara shared a mighty word on knowing who our God is and how we bring God down to our level.
How to sow in Famine
Pastor Casey brings an encouraging word on sowing in a famine. The widow was commanded by God to feed Elijah, but when the time came, she said, but God. Tune in to see how this message will revolutionize your life in a mighty way.
God’s Word engraved on Our Hearts
Minister Barbara allowed the Holy Spirit to come in and preach Jesus, which is the Word. A mighty revelation came forth of how our heavenly prayer language is God speaking the Word to us, building up our faith.
Thankfulness equals Faith
Sister Julie shared with us how our Thankfulness brings us into the presence of God and that our thankfulness is our faith in operation.
Healing In The House
Pastor Barbara brings a mighty word on Healing. Tune in to hear God’s word along with several testimonies of God’s healing power.
Testimonies from World Conference
What a mighty word coming from each and everyone of the people who went to World Conference. Open up your hearts and receive.
Power of Testimonies
Elder Robert shares with us on the power of testimonies.
Testimonies From Africa
Testimonies from some of the ones who went to Africa.
Obedience is the key
Sister Julie brings a mighty word on how Obedience opens the windows and doors of heaven in our life.
Transforming the Church
Pastor Cindy brings an amazing word on how God wants to transform the church and it begins in us.
Arthur Summitt’s Testimony
Arthur Summitt shared his testimony on how God brought him up out of the fiery pit and saved and delivered him out of addictions. We serve a mighty God.
Too Grateful to be Unthankful!
Apostle Angie Hogan exposes how being ungrateful blocks the move of God in our lives! Get this revelation on gratefulness and let God take you up to that next level you’re been struggling to reach!
The Seed of the Kingdom
The Seed of the Kingdom: Priceless Grapes
What can a Christian learn from the life of a grape? It turns out, pretty much everything. Learn to let the seed of the kingdom grow within you, and how to stay planted for the best harvest!
The Seed of the Kingdom of God
How do we produce the Kingdom of God? What IS the Kingdom of God? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the reason why we come under attack from the enemy, and the key to victory in this revelation message.
Why Do Nations Rage?
Pastor Barbara brings a prophetic word on the spirit that is out to bring division and separation in the world today. Tune in to know how to defeat this enemy in your life.
Spirit of Predjudice
Pastor Barbara addresses and enlightens us on the true meaning of the spirit of predjudice and how the enemy is using it to bring division among his body.
Coming Together
Do you feel disconnected? From church? From Family? From your leadership? Pastor Angie Hogan confronts the spirit of division head-on and reveals how to come together in unity!
Pastor Robert brought a powerful word on lifting our vision higher. Tune in to hear this word from God.
You Are Destined For Success
Pastor Barbara Cooper illustrates how God has given us everything to live the life he has called us to live. Tune in to hear what God wants to speak to you.
What lesson does Job hold for those of us going through and coming out of a difficult season? Pastor Casey Petersen reveals the vision for growth in the ministry and in our lives in 2018.
The Glory Level
The blessings of God are good – but there is a place beyond that. Are you ready to see the power of God manifested in your life? Listen to this life-changing message on how to experience God’s Glory.
Lift Your Vision Higher
You’re still praying and doing the same stuff, but you don’t see the results you used to? Julie Hamilton brings a powerful word on how to lift your vision higher and see increase in every area of your life!
Lord Teach Us to Pray
Sister Julie brings us a word on how we go to God and get a word over our situations.
Clarion Call
Pastor Cindy gives us a call to return to prayer, relationship and intimacy with God.
Living in Victory
Elder Barbara enlightens us on grasping and submitting to the vision.
Be a Participator
Elder Robert teaches us that we need to take personal ownership of our relationship with God.
The Vision is in You
Pastor Casey brings an encouraging word on how God has a function and a purpose in the vision for you.
Vows of Power
Pastor and Evangelist Paul Bradford is back at Freedom Ministries with an incredible and challenging word – have you made vows to God and didn’t keep them? Let this word set you free from the guilt and condemnation of those unkept promises.
Warrior School
Warrior School Session 4: Strategies and Tactics
Pastor Paul Bradford wraps up our first Warrior School with a practical teaching on the strategies and tactics you can use to overcome the enemy!
Warrior School Session 3: Force Multiplication
In Session 3 of Warrior School, discover the secret of Force Multiplication and the tactics God has given us to wage supernatural warfare.
Warrior School Session 2: Rules of Engagement
Are you ready to fight the enemy? Pastor Paul Bradford continues Warrior School with “Rules of Engagement.” Learn how to wage warfare God’s way and emerge victorious!
Warrior School Session 1: Warrior Culture
Join us for the first session of Warrior School with Pastor Paul Bradford – Warrior Culture. What does it mean to be a warrior for Jesus? Find out in Session 1 of Warrior School!
Women of Power conference
Women of Power Meeting
The Women Of Power meeting was full of exactly that, women of power. Several powerful women got up and shared their testimony. What a powerful service!
Praise Until Worship Comes
Minister Witt brought an amazing word on how we are to enter into the courts of our God. Praising God will take us into that place of worship. Tune in to hear this timely message and how it will bring change into your life.