When you are unwilling to obey, it feels like it’s about you, or the person asking something from you. But it is actually rebellion against the Holy Spirit. Casey Petersen reveals this, and the little-known secret of the bears that protected Elisha, and what we…
Sunday School: Don’t Remove the Ancient Landmarks
Pastor Angie Hogan continues to expose how a beguiling spirit operates, controlling and manipulating us and others.
Sunday School: Let Your Conversation be ‘Yea Yea’ or ‘Nay Nay’
Pastor Angie Hogan continues her series on the beguiling spirit with this message. Listen to hear how to stop manipulation and control in your relationships.
2013-06-23 Let Your Conversation be Yea Yea or Nay Nay [ 42:21 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (234)