Pastor Angie Hogan brought us a great revelation during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur – The Atonement. Learn how this special time set aside by God can change your life!
The Spirit of Faith
Continuing from the ground-breaking message, the Law of Faith, Pastor Angie Hogan teaches us how to operate in the Spirit of Faith.
Sunday School: Faith – Lesa Streeter
Lesa Streeter shares with the Sunday School class about having the Faith of God!
Sunday School – The Vision of the Ministry – Kathy DeLeon
Worship Leader Kathy Deleon shares with us about the vision of our ministry, and using the Faith of God.
The Law of Faith – Pastor Angie Hogan
Pastor Angie Hogan brings us a life-changing revelation on the Law of Faith, and how we can overcome the law of religion, sin, and death.
How To Have Great Faith
Pastor Hogan continues the series on the God Kind of Faith with her message on having Great Faith. This message will teach you the power and the source of Great Faith in your life. Each of us has access to Great Faith. Listen and learn…
Going Past Intimidation
Many times, intimidation stops us from fulfilling the will of God in our lives, and keeps us from really being used by God. In this message, Pastor Hogan exposes how this spirit operates and keeps us under its control, and how we can break free.
Steady My Heart
Pastor Angie Hogan shares the story of David’s trials through Saul’s persecution. Although he was the anointed, he couldn’t take matters into his own hands – he had to wait on God.
The God Kind of Faith
Pastor Hogan brings the first message in a series, sharing with us God’s plan for Freedom Ministries in 2013. In her message, we learn that Faith is a gift from God, not something we can work up in ourselves. Don’t miss this message! Listen, and…