Are you praying for loved ones who need their lives changed by God? Pastor Angie Hogan shares how Jesus became the atonement for us, and how we can be that for others.
Pentecost Sunday
There are some messages that are so important, we should listen to them over and over again. This is one of those. Do you want to be used by God, and operate in the new anointing He is releasing in our church? Don’t miss this…

Disarming the Enemy: The Power of Release
Recently, Pastor Angie Hogan taught on Disarming the Enemy, one of the most life-changing messages we’ve ever had at Freedom Ministries. This message continues that revelation: The Power of Release.

Leadership Class #4
Pastor Angie Hogan continues her excellent teaching on leadership and what it means to be a leader.
The Seeds of Greatness
Have you been told you aren’t good enough by people all your life? God has placed the seeds of greatness within you! Pastor Angie Hogan reveals the secret to unlocking the greatness within you, placed there by God!
Disarming the Enemy
Pastor Angie Hogan brings one of the most important and foundational messages she has ever shared at Freedom Ministries: How to disarm the enemy, and keep victory in our homes, jobs, and relationships. Listen to this one several times – the results will be nothing…
The Kinsman Redeemer
We will never deserve it. But just like Ruth had Boaz, we have Jesus looking out for us, ready to be our Kinsman Redeemer. Learn how we can allow Him to redeem us in ever area as Pastor Angie Hogan brings this great word!
Leadership Teaching #2
Pastor Angie Hogan continues her teaching on the 5 levels of leadership! Listen and find out what level you’re at, and how to grow!
Leadership Class 1
This is the first lesson from our new Leadership Class, on Wednesdays at noon. Pastor Angie Hogan is leading this new series on what God is calling us to as Leaders.
The Instigators
Are there people in your life who continue to drive you down, or pull you back into strife or temptation when you try to be free? Pastor Angie Hogan shares the truth about instigators – they come to steal your life!
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