Minister Timmy Anderson continues his Sunday School series, Mighty Men of God.

Minister Timmy Anderson continues his Sunday School series, Mighty Men of God.
Minister Timmy Anderson continues his life-changing series on how to be a Mighty Man of God. Are you struggling with finding your place in God? Looking for the answers to heal your home? Don’t miss the 3rd installment in this exciting series!
Minister Timmy Anderson continues this great series on growing as a Mighty Man of God! What does the Bible tell us about our place in the Church and our homes? Find out in this week’s lesson.
Minister Timmy Anderson begins his awesome series: Mighty Men of God. Learn the foundational principles of growing as a Man of God in this first exciting lesson!
Recently, Pastor Angie Hogan taught on Disarming the Enemy, one of the most life-changing messages we’ve ever had at Freedom Ministries. This message continues that revelation: The Power of Release.
God has been exposing arrogance in our church. Pastor Angie Hogan teaches on this, and allowing patience to have her perfect work.
Elder Griffin from Logos Church brings a powerful word on the power showing love in the toughest of situations.
God asks us to love others with the same boundless love that he shows us – and sometimes that can be difficult. Pastor Hogan continues her series on Pleasing God with this message of loving with the love of God.
Pastor Angie Hogan continues her teaching on Pleasing God. Don’t miss getting the rest of this great revelation!
We can NEVER make God stop loving us. His love for us is even more perfect and unconditional than a parent’s love for their child. But pleasing God means obeying Him. Pastor Angie Hogan illustrates the difference in God’s love for us, and His being…
Freedom Ministries
221 W Pierce St
Crossett, AR 71635
Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM
Wednesday - Cell Groups: 6:00 PM